
The pictures you find below will give you an idea about the Pochettes we offer in our shop.

Our Pochettes are either in Mixed Linen (50% cotton) or Pure Linen, designed and stitched by hand by us.
The fabrics they have been made with are Loom Woven in Puglia.

Below you can find example of our Pochettes.

Model "Pochette Plain Dark Grey"

Model "Pochette Trulli Dark Violet"

Model "Pochette Clutch Grain Red"

Model "Pochette Grain and Striped"

Model "Pochette Natural Striped - Blue Striped"

Model "Pochette Grain Red"

Model "Pochette Grain Aquamarine"

Model "Pochette Grain Spike - Red Striped"

Model "Pochette Grain Aquamarine 2"


Our shop ALSO WORKS ON ORDER. This means that our customer not finding the right combination between the options you find below, has got the chance to order the Pochettes (as well as the other products) he/she desires choosing the pattern, size and colour best suiting his/her needs. For further information please contact Fabio via phone or email or miss Rosalia via email (for the phone numbers and email address click on "Contact").

Standard colours: cream, grey, bordeaux, orange, mustard, red, blue, black, green, avio, yellow, aquamarine.

Standard patterns: Lily, grain spike, striped, plane (with longer waiting time also: rhombus and baroque/rose, see our "Runners" section"). Mughetto (Lily of the valley) only for Pochettes in pure linen.

Standard Size: 1 per model. For further details or special requests please contact us.

The price varies according to the size (in case of specific requests) and the quality of the fabric (mixed/pure linen).For further details or special requests please contact us.

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